I am always looking for the best organic and high quality products for my family and my clients because we are surrounded of toxins and products which contains chemicals that contaminates our bodies, affecting our health.

doTERRA products are 100% natural and toxins free:

  • Essential oils (Certified Therapeutic Grade).
  • Natural supplements for body relief, menopause, stress / anxious feelings, seasonal threats, energy & concentration among others.
  • Personal care products such as natural creams, deodorants, skin care, toothpaste and more.

I love doTERRA Essential Oils because:

  • I can PREVENT and ACT at the first symptom, helping my body to recover faster.
  • I can also prepare my own 100% natural products such as home cleaners, skin care products, natural repellents, and personal care products reducing the amount of toxins in my home and my family.

Essential Oils

What are Essential Oils?

Essential Oils are concentrated volatile aromatic compounds derived from plants. They are a natural, safe, effective, and affordable health solution to support our body and eliminate toxins from our lives.

View Video (English / Spanish)

How Do You Use Essential Oils?

There are three ways to use essential oils:

1. Through smell. We call this “aromatic” use of essential oils. This includes any application method that helps you experience the aroma of the oil. You can use essential oils aromatically by:

  • Diffusing in an essential oil diffuser.
  • Applying a drop to your hands and inhaling.
  • Wearing as a personal fragrance.

2. On your skin. “Topical” application of essential oils allows the oil to absorb into the skin. Some ways to use essential oils on your skin are:

  • Massage.
  • Apply to targeted areas and rub in.
  • Add to lotions or moisturizers.

3. Ingesting, or “internal” use of essential oils allows the oil to be transported throughout your body. Make sure the essential oil is safe for internal use first, and then try one of these methods:

  • Add to a glass of water.
  • Take in a veggie capsule.
  • Put a drop under your tongue.
Purity is very important

Most of the essential oils that you can find on the market are heavily contaminated or adulterated with synthetic chemicals. If you are buying essential oils, it means you want something completely natural and safe. Pure essential oils will allow you to reap the full benefits that nature has to offer, and you can be confident knowing they are safe to use with your family.

Essential Oil Safety

It is very important to learn how to use your essential oils effectively and safely. This is why it is very important for me you receive the best Essential Oils Education, Resources, Courses, and Personalized Support.

When you join my community, you will have all my team support to help you reach your health goals, emotionally and physically.

My Community Benefits
  • Free Aromatherapy Course.
  • 25% Discount for 1 year.
  • Personalized Consulting.
  • Free Online Courses.
  • Online Classes.
  • Private Support and Education Group.
  • Access to our team website full of free resources.
  • Training and Business Support.
  • and more…

How can essential oils help you?

  • Stress / Anxious Feelings
  • Respiratory Issues
  • Sleep Issues
  • Digestive Discomfort
  • Hormonal Issues
  • Perimenopause / Menopause
  • Boost your Immune System
  • Hair Growth / Loss
  • Skin Problems
  • Detox your Body
  • Muscle & Joint Pain
  • Toxin Free Home

choose the best kit for you

Margarita Gallego | doTERRA Essential Oils - Start Kit

Family Essentials Kit

Do you want to prepare your own 100% natural first aid kit to support the health of your family?

With this kit you will be able to solve 80% of the health issues that happens in your home. From muscle discomfort, body temperature, ear discomfort, relaxation & sleep, stress & anxious feelings, digestive or respiratory problems, mosquito bites, detoxification, natural cleaning and much more.


  • Aromatherapy course.
  • 25% Discount for 1 year.
  • Personalized Consulting.
  • Private Support and Education Group.
  • Access to our website full of free resources.
  • Training and Business Support.

Aroma Essentials Kit

Do you want to eliminate toxins in your home?

Say goodbye to synthetic fragrances from candles, air fresheners, and other artificial products and freshen your air and keep your family safe from harmful toxins with essential oils.


  • Aromatherapy course.
  • 25% Discount for 1 year.
  • Personalized Consulting.
  • Private Support and Education Group.
  • Access to our website full of free resources.
  • Training and Business Support.
Margarita Gallego | doTERRA Essential Oils - Aroma Essential

Aroma Essentials Kit

Do you want to eliminate toxins in your home?

Say goodbye to synthetic fragrances from candles, air fresheners, and other artificial products and freshen your air and keep your family safe from harmful toxins with essential oils.


  • Aromatherapy course.
  • 25% Discount for 1 year.
  • Personalized Consulting.
  • Private Support and Education Group.
  • Access to our website full of free resources.
  • Training and Business Support.
Margarita Gallego | doTERRA Essential Oils - Oils Kids

Kids Oil Collection

Are you looking for a natural and easy way to care for the health and wellness of your little ones?

These blends are ready to apply in your kids’ skin to: increase concentration, calm emotions, boost the immune system, soothe stress and anxious feelings, relieve tired legs, provide digestive support and more.


  • Aromatherapy course.
  • 25% Discount for 1 year.
  • Personalized Consulting.
  • Private Support and Education Group.
  • Access to our website full of free resources.
  • Training and Business Support.

Woman’s Kit

Do you have hormonal unbalances? Are you in perimenopause or menopause and the symptoms are driving you crazy?

With this kit you will be able to balance your hormones and emotions naturally.


  • Aromatherapy course.
  • 25% Discount for 1 year.
  • Personalized Consulting.
  • Private Support and Education Group.
  • Access to our website full of free resources.
  • Training and Business Support.
Margarita Gallego | doTERRA Essential Oils for Perimenopause and Menopause

Woman’s Kit

Do you have hormonal unbalances? Are you in perimenopause or menopause and the symptoms are driving you crazy?

With this kit you will be able to balance your hormones and emotions naturally.


  • Aromatherapy course.
  • 25% Discount for 1 year.
  • Personalized Consulting.
  • Private Support and Education Group.
  • Access to our website full of free resources.
  • Training and Business Support.
Margarita Gallego | doTERRA Essential Oils - Anti Stress Sleep

Anti-stress & Sleep Kit

Overwhelmed? Do you suffer from anxious feelings or stress? Can’t control your emotions in stressful situations?

With this kit you will be able to balance your mind, body and emotions in a 100% natural way. It is important to calm our nervous system, lower the stress hormone cortisol and calm our mind to reach an emotional balance and with this kit you will have essential oils and natural supplements to do it.


  • Aromatherapy course.
  • 25% Discount for 1 year.
  • Personalized Consulting.
  • Private Support and Education Group.
  • Access to our website full of free resources.
  • Training and Business Support.

Digestive Health Kit

Do you have digestive problems? Gas, bloating or acid issues?

With this kit you will be able to balance your intestinal microbiota, support your digestive system with enzymes that will help you digest food easily and you will be able to relieve your stomach discomfort with plant extracts and 100% natural products.


  • Aromatherapy course.
  • 25% Discount for 1 year.
  • Personalized Consulting.
  • Private Support and Education Group.
  • Access to our website full of free resources.
  • Training and Business Support.
Margarita Gallego | doTERRA Essential Oils - Digestive Health

Digestive Health Kit

Do you have digestive problems? Gas, bloating or acid issues?

With this kit you will be able to balance your intestinal microbiota, support your digestive system with enzymes that will help you digest food easily and you will be able to relieve your stomach discomfort with plant extracts and 100% natural products.


  • Aromatherapy course.
  • 25% Discount for 1 year.
  • Personalized Consulting.
  • Private Support and Education Group.
  • Access to our website full of free resources.
  • Training and Business Support.
Margarita Gallego | doTERRA Essential Oils - Allergies

Respiratory Health Kit

Do seasonal changes affect you? Or are you sensitive all year to environmental threats?

With this kit you will be able to prevent an exaggerated reaction of your immune system to allergens and you will be able to treat your symptoms with 100% natural essential oils.


  • Aromatherapy course.
  • 25% Discount for 1 year.
  • Personalized Consulting.
  • Private Support and Education Group.
  • Access to our website full of free resources.
  • Training and Business Support.